Friday, March 1, 2013

Traffic Infraction Devices and other Village Matters

Legislation February 28, 2013
Special Commission Meeting

I had plans to critique and write about the complete package that North Bay Village commissioned our Lobbyist Mr. Fausto Gomez to represent.  Mr. Gomez sent Manny Reyes as his representative for the North Bay Village Special Commission Meetings of February 28, 2013. Mr. Reyes described himself as Fausto Junior. Manny Reyes explained that he has been with Mr. Gomez his entire professional career.  Mr. Reyes did a superb job and explained the process and possibilities very well.  I posted each document separately for your reading pleasure. I decided to highlight some of the items that really bugged me, so here it goes!

Traffic Infraction Devices

North Bay Village commission voted against the legislation that would prohibit a local government from utilizing “RED LIGHT CAMERAS “and/or redirect additional revenues from same state (HB91) by representative Daphne Campbell. Meaning that the village commission wants the local government to be able to make the decision, which means that they favor the program. 

The North Bay Village Commission led by Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps concerns regarding the profitability of the RED LIGHT CAMERA PROGRAM was questioned by legal and Village Manager Dennis Kelly. Mr. Kelly sited that the purpose of said program was mainly safety and could not be viewed as a revenue producing program. Commissioner Jorge Gonzalez supported the Mayor’s concerns, explaining that the Mayor’s point was a valid one, pointing out that said program has two sides one side is safety and the other is financial. Now, are you ready for a kick in the teeth? Mayor Leon-Kreps asked the Financial Director Bert Wrains, “Mr. Wrains did I hear correctly that this program is costing the village $ 10,000.00 a month?”

Mr. Wrains explained: Mayor, keep in mind that this program has changed the peoples attitude and culture regarding red lights. We are currently negotiating a new contract and are on a month to month basis. Monthly costs are roughly $ 19,000.00 a month and ticket collection has dwindled to about $ 9000.00 a month thus creating a $ 10,000.00 deficit that the Village pays.  The new contract will allow for a breakeven point, until then we pay the difference.  Village Manager Dennis Kelly added, we are planning to add four more cameras and that should improve ticket collection.    

 The Commission then decided it was best to vote against rather than in favor to get rid of the RED LIGHT CAMERA “FIASCO”, sorry I mean program. Commissioner Gonzalez said at least we will have choice, imagined that “we’ll have a choice”; what choice is that? Four more cameras as we will be the “RED LIGHT CAMERA TICKET TRAP VILLAGE”; we don’t need this type of choice. Here is a thought, get rid of the cameras save $ 10,000.00 a month and stop scheming up ways to get into citizens’ pocket for their hard earned money. The RED LIGHT CAMERA PROGRAM only benefits the company that runs the program; get rid of them and save $ 10,000.00 a month.   

 I will love to see the finance report for the three years that the contract was implemented. I have the funny feeling it was a whopper of a red bill for the village!  Wake up village officials and pave the way for business to want to come to the village by offering fair and balance affordable process and you will have your revenues and a thriving community!  Your are dreaming if you think the RED LIGTH CAMERA PROGRAM will ever produce a windfall.

Open Parties

North Bay Village will monitor legislation the expands the definition 856.015, F.S., that makes it a second degree misdemeanor for a person who has control of a residence to allow an open house party to take place at such residence if any alcoholic beverage or drug is possessed or consumed at the residence by a minor. The expansion would include vacant structures and open acreage with or without a structure. (HB5 by Representative   Ray Pilon)

Commissioner Jorge Gonzalez had his thinking cap on when he pointed out that the language was not specific and definitely not clear enough. This legislation may leave an open door to prosecute innocent people. He explained that if underage squatters or trespassers were to party on an empty parcel of land without the owner’s permission or consent, that owner would be held liable. This legislation in order to go forward it would need to be clarified and properly written, Good Job Commissioner Gonzalez.

Sober Homes

North Bay Village Supports legislation that defines and establishes minimum regulatory standards for sober homes facilities and allows for more stringent local regulations of these facilities. (SB738 by Senator Jeff Clemons)

I had no idea that under the current laws a person in need of income can actually turn their houses into a halfway house for alcohol and drug rehab, thus turning into a business…This should scare North Bay Village residents, it scares me!!! This legislation cannot come fast enough!!!

Mario Garcia

March 1, 2013


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