Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 10th NBV Commission Meeting Continues...

In other North Bay Village matters discussed at the December 10th commission meetings, was the Presidente Supermarket shopping carts scattered at times throughout NBV streets. I understand that this may be a cosmetic issue and do not want to diminish it, however fines, citations and warnings as it was suggested it’s definitely not the answer.  Why you ask? Before I continue “Food Giant” comes to mind! I know for a fact that the Presidente Supermarket management makes an effort on a regular basis to collect their shopping carts. I believe that penalizing the supermarket is not a fair and justifiable approach for the inconsiderate actions of the public.  Additionally, this is a small problem when you compare it with our dirty and unkempt streets.  While also overlooking our commercial garbage containers overflowing with garbage and totally making some areas look like a slum Village! One of the biggest culprits with this repeated offense is the Causeway Towers at 1666 Kennedy Causeway the building that houses our Village Hall. I challenge our residents to walk through Pirates Aly any given day and you will see for yourself.  In contrasts Treasure Island Cove Condominiums management and their maintenance staff almost on a daily basis sweep their sidewalks and curb including all their landscape and grounds.  This is the kind of effort that teaches others by example! Hats off to you Treasure Island Cove Condominiums Management for taking pride in our beautiful Village we live in. Keep up the good work we notice!

It is discouraging to see our own residents littering and not picking up after their dogs and pets. It is irritating when well to do people walk by the bagged poop containers and the bag dispenser and allow their dogs to do their business and just continue to walk as if this was a normal action! Or see people that just roll down their expensive car’s windows and toss garbage out as if this too was a normal action! Please take pride in our Village and do your part! This commission with the exception of one commissioner just does not get it! Other issues to come, the countdown has begun!

Honestly opinionating!


Mario Garcia

December 14, 2013


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