Sunday, June 16, 2013

surveillance cameras ?

As I further contemplate on our North Bay Village needs and obstacles. I can’t help but think about the surveillance cameras that most of our residents are in favor of that would make our Village safer.  That day at the workshop, the cost of about 85,000.00 was discussed and that it would be part of next year’s budget planning.  I asked our finance director Bert Wrains, at the end of the workshop what had happen with the Recovery Fund Program Moneys that was supposed to be available for this kind of purpose.  Mr. Wrains informed me that the fund was down to zero! I think he used the term depleted to describe the savings.  Let me remind you that this was the money that was used by the police department for the new vehicles and other “necessities”. Funny, that now that there is an opportunity to benefit all of our residents and help our police department do their job better, there is nothing left! Mr. Wrains explained that there is about two million dollars in the pipe lines for the fund, but is unsure of its possibility of it materializing.  It will probably be approved for next year’s budget just in time for it to be late to come from such fund. I wonder now that we have a “Grant Writer Person” if she can look into possible grant moneys for this purpose. Is it too much to ask? Think Taxes and add the word raise! That is probably the legacy of this commission: raised the most taxes ever! Remember Commissioner Richard Chervony has been warning us since Interim Treasure Island Commissioner Stuart Bloomberg raised his concerns!  Treasure Island Commissioner Wendy Duval with finance experience is listening. It may be too late.

Honestly opinionating!


Happy Fathers Day North Bay Village

Mario Garcia

June 16, 2013



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