Shall the School District of Miami-Dade county
fund a plan for modernization and construction of public school facilities
throughout district, including educational technology upgrades by issuing
general obligation bonds in an aggregate amount not exceeding $ 1,200,000,000
in one or more series….you can read the rest on your own. Go to Miami-Dade
County - Elections - For assistance, please call 305-499-VOTE
Basically to borrow money via bonds…We have no other choice but to say YES. Our children need the education and the facilities. Where is the LOTTO money! Many are too young to remember.
Rule Charter Amendment Relating to Term Limits of County Commissioners
Shall the Charter be
amended to provide that County Commissioners shall serve no more than two
consecutive four-year terms in office excluding terms of service prior 2012?
First hand this appears
to be a good idea, however I am voting No! I f someone is doing a good job you
can vote them back in; if not you can vote them out. I would hate to see a
brand new inexperience commission every eight years. That’s scary.
Amendments to Home Rule Charter
Shall the Charter be
amended to clarify the titles of subsection, correct and update cross–reference
between provisions, and delete references to office and agencies which have
been abolished?
Yes…clean up the
language and references that are no longer applicable.
Charter Amendments Requiring Extraordinary
Vote to Include Additional Land within the Urban Development Boundary
Shall the Charter be
amended to require a two-thirds vote of County Commissioners then in office to
include Additional land within the Urban Development Boundaries establish by
the County’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan?
YES…this is beyond the
Master Plan and should have two-thirds for approval
Amendments pertaining to Changes in Municipal Boundaries and Creation of New
Shall the Charter be
amended to:
*Require the County
Commission to consider the benefits of any proposed annexation of commercial areas, when
approving or authorizing an annexation
*Establish alternative
procedure for creation of new municipalities in unincorporated areas of the
county by petition which provides conditions for creation of new municipalities
and a single election to approve the creation of a new municipality and approve
its Charter, instead of two elections for these purposes?
Yes, simplify the
Amendment Regarding Penalties and Enforcement of Citizens’ Bill of Rights
Shall the Charter be
amended to eliminate the provision providing for forfeiture of office if a
public official or employee willfully violates the Citizens Bill of Rights and
allow, in addition to suit in civil court, the Commission on Ethics and Public
Trust to enforce the Citizens’ Bill of Rights with penalties authorized by the
I am voting NO and you
should too, Elected Official must suffer consequences and this Charter
Amendment provision should not! Be eliminated.
Amendment Related to Option for Filling Mayoral or Country Commissioner Vacancy
Shall the charter be
amended to:
*Extend the time to
conduct an election fill a mayoral or commissioner vacancy from 45 days to 90
days from the decision to call such election and provide a time frame for
qualification and any necessary runoff;
*Temporally transfer,
during mayoral vacancy or incapacity certain mayoral powers to the commission
chairperson, vice chairperson or commissioner chosen by the Board
Yes, this makes sense
to me in case of a vacancy to continue to conduct city business.
Amendments Regarding Mayoral Conflicts in County Procurement
Shall the Charter be
amended to provide that when the County Mayor declares a conflict of interest
in a particular procurement of a County contract, the chairperson of the Board
of County Commissioner shall exercise all authority provided by the Charter or
the County Commission to the Mayor with regard to such procurement including
the authority to recommend a bid waiver?
No way!!! This can
create even more conflict and favoritism
Binding Straw Ballot on Funding Improved Animal Services Programs
Would you be in favor
of the county Commission increasing the countywide general fund millage by
0.1079 mills and applying the additional ad valoren tax revenues generated
thereby to fund improved animal services, including:
Decreasing the killing of adoptable dogs
and cats (historically approximately 20,000 annually):
Reducing stray cat populations
(currently approximately 400,000cats):and
Funding free and low cost spay/neuter
programs, low cost veterinary care programs, and responsible pet ownership
educational program?
I agree that stray cats
and dogs are a problem but increasing taxes to address the problem, no way in
today’s economy. No!
Straw Ballot Contracting with Companies Doing Business with State Sponsors of
Would you support, to
the extent permitted by law, prohibiting further use of taxpayers’ dollars to
procure services or capital Improvement projects from companies actively doing
business in countries that are on U.S. Department of State list of state
sponsor of terrorism?
Respectfully expressing my humble opinion
Mario Garcia
October 27, 2012