Thursday, October 18, 2012

Newly Elect Commissioners Orientation

On Wednesday October 17, 2012 from 6 pm to 9 pm newly elected Commissioner At Large Mr. George Gonzalez and newly elected Commissioner for North Bay Village Ms. Wendy Duval attended the new commissioner orientation. Mr. Dennis Kelly along with his staff, Ms. Nina Boniske City Attorney and Chief Daniels did their best to demonstrate a general idea of the rules and regulations to be adhered to by our city officials.  Newly elected Mayor Connie along with Vice Mayor Lim were present to offer their support as well as Lobbyists Fausto Gomez and Omar Franco.   Ms. Yvonne Hamilton, City Clerk is away on a well deserved vacation.

The departmental heads made their compact general presentations and offered further meetings to continue the orientation. The offer to tour the Waste Water Plant on 1851 Galleon Street was made. I certainly hope that Commissioners Gonzalez and Duval along with Mayor Connie, Vice Mayor Lim, and newly elected Commissioner Chervony accept to tour the water waste plant. Additionally, maybe City Manager and his staff can tag along to see this shameful eye sore of an area. Maybe then they will notice an ignored area by the North Bay Village Officials.  I challenge every resident of North Bay Village to drive by the area and voice your outrage.

Putting North Bay Village First! Please clean this area up. Our residents deserve nothing less!

Mario Garcia

October 18, 2012

                                                                  “PUTTING NORTH BAY FIRST”



  1. Perhaps you could make specific recommendations for how the waste water plant could be improved... new fencing perhaps?

  2. Thank your for voicing your opinion, comments and ideas.

    This whole area needs beautification; at the very least a fence. However, if you drive by the area you will notice the dirty trucks, the garbage, the smell. This over all ugly and messy area happnes to include the waste water plant. Just imagine for a moment living in that area. These residents come home daily to look at that mess. Someting more than a fence needs to be done.

    Thank You,

    Mario Garcia
